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Cosmetic Dental Services When You Have Gaps Between Teeth

Cosmetic Dental Services When You Have Gaps Between Teeth

Cosmetic dental services, like composite bonding or the placement of restorations, can help fix unnatural gaps between your teeth. Medically termed diastemas, these gaps can impact how your smile looks and the way that you feel about your appearance.A gap between teeth is one of the things that most people notice when you open your…

How Tooth Colored Fillings Are Used In Cosmetic Dental Services

How Tooth-Colored Fillings Are Used In Cosmetic Dental Services

Cosmetic dental services like tooth-colored fillings can repair and rebuild decayed, damaged, or deformed teeth. Better known as dental bonding, this procedure involves using composites that are color-matched with the patient’s teeth to restore the appearance of their teeth. The composites are a blend of plastics and glass.Here are a few of the ways that…