Joe Howard

Great dentist very efficient always concerned about your pain level gives you 110% recommend her highly glad she’s my Dentist

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Cosmetic Dental Services For Mild Crooked Teeth

Cosmetic Dental Services For Mild Crooked Teeth

Cosmetic dental services can largely benefit patients with mildly crooked teeth. Crooked teeth can affect the aesthetics of your smile and can make it harder to keep your mouth clean. Fortunately, dentists have a few ways to improve the appearance of crooked teeth.Here are a few of the cosmetic dental services that our dentist can…

Are Cosmetic Dental Services Elective Or Essential?

Are Cosmetic Dental Services Elective Or Essential?

Your insurance provider might cover cosmetic dental services depending on if they are deemed elective or essential. Most dental insurance providers cover essential treatments that help restore or keep your mouth healthy, but you are typically on your own when it comes to elective treatments that your insurance provider does not deem necessary. Fortunately, many…